pub trait Message: Message {
Show 71 methods fn copy_here(
        from_chat_id: impl ImplicitChatId,
        message_id: Id
    ) -> CopyMessage<'_> { ... } fn copy_here_in_reply(
        from_chat_id: impl ImplicitChatId,
        message_id: Id
    ) -> CopyMessage<'_> { ... } fn create_chat_invite_link(&self) -> CreateChatInviteLink<'_> { ... } fn delete_chat_photo(&self) -> DeleteChatPhoto<'_> { ... } fn delete_chat_sticker_set(&self) -> DeleteChatStickerSet<'_> { ... } fn delete_message(&self, message_id: Id) -> DeleteMessage<'_> { ... } fn delete_this_message(&self) -> DeleteMessage<'_> { ... } fn edit_chat_invite_link(
        link: impl Into<String>
    ) -> EditChatInviteLink<'_> { ... } fn edit_message_caption(
        message_id: Id,
        caption: impl Into<Text>
    ) -> EditMessageCaption<'_> { ... } fn edit_message_location(
        message_id: Id,
        location: (f64, f64)
    ) -> EditMessageLocation<'_> { ... } fn edit_message_media(
        message_id: Id,
        media: impl Into<EditableMedia>
    ) -> EditMessageMedia<'_> { ... } fn edit_message_reply_markup(
        message_id: Id,
        reply_markup: Keyboard
    ) -> EditMessageReplyMarkup<'_> { ... } fn edit_message_text(
        message_id: Id,
        text: impl Into<Text>
    ) -> EditMessageText<'_> { ... } fn export_chat_invite_link(&self) -> ExportChatInviteLink<'_> { ... } fn forward_here(
        from_chat_id: impl ImplicitChatId,
        message_id: Id
    ) -> ForwardMessage<'_> { ... } fn get_chat(&self) -> GetChat<'_> { ... } fn get_chat_administrators(&self) -> GetChatAdministrators<'_> { ... } fn get_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> GetChatMember<'_> { ... } fn get_chat_member_count(&self) -> GetChatMemberCount<'_> { ... } fn get_message_game_high_scores(
        message_id: Id,
        user_id: Id
    ) -> GetMessageGameHighScores<'_> { ... } fn ban_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> BanChatMember<'_> { ... } fn leave_chat(&self) -> LeaveChat<'_> { ... } fn pin_chat_message(&self, message_id: Id) -> PinChatMessage<'_> { ... } fn promote_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> PromoteChatMember<'_> { ... } fn restrict_chat_member(
        user_id: Id,
        permissions: Permissions
    ) -> RestrictChatMember<'_> { ... } fn revoke_chat_invite_link(
        link: impl Into<String>
    ) -> RevokeChatInviteLink<'_> { ... } fn send_animation(&self, animation: Animation) -> SendAnimation<'_> { ... } fn send_animation_in_reply(&self, animation: Animation) -> SendAnimation<'_> { ... } fn send_audio(&self, audio: Audio) -> SendAudio<'_> { ... } fn send_audio_in_reply(&self, audio: Audio) -> SendAudio<'_> { ... } fn send_chat_action(&self, action: Action) -> SendChatAction<'_> { ... } fn send_contact(
        phone_number: impl Into<String>,
        first_name: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SendContact<'_> { ... } fn send_contact_in_reply(
        phone_number: impl Into<String>,
        first_name: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SendContact<'_> { ... } fn send_game(&self, game_short_name: impl Into<String>) -> SendGame<'_> { ... } fn send_game_in_reply(
        game_short_name: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SendGame<'_> { ... } fn send_dice(&self) -> SendDice<'_> { ... } fn send_dice_in_reply(&self) -> SendDice<'_> { ... } fn send_document(&self, document: Document) -> SendDocument<'_> { ... } fn send_document_in_reply(&self, document: Document) -> SendDocument<'_> { ... } fn send_invoice(&self, invoice: Invoice) -> SendInvoice<'_> { ... } fn send_invoice_in_reply(&self, invoice: Invoice) -> SendInvoice<'_> { ... } fn send_location(&self, location: (f64, f64)) -> SendLocation<'_> { ... } fn send_location_in_reply(&self, location: (f64, f64)) -> SendLocation<'_> { ... } fn send_media_group(
        media: impl Into<MediaGroup>
    ) -> SendMediaGroup<'_> { ... } fn send_media_group_in_reply(
        media: impl Into<MediaGroup>
    ) -> SendMediaGroup<'_> { ... } fn send_message(&self, text: impl Into<Text>) -> SendMessage<'_> { ... } fn send_message_in_reply(&self, text: impl Into<Text>) -> SendMessage<'_> { ... } fn send_photo(&self, photo: Photo) -> SendPhoto<'_> { ... } fn send_photo_in_reply(&self, photo: Photo) -> SendPhoto<'_> { ... } fn send_poll(&self, poll: Any) -> SendPoll<'_> { ... } fn send_poll_in_reply(&self, poll: Any) -> SendPoll<'_> { ... } fn send_sticker(&self, sticker: Sticker) -> SendSticker<'_> { ... } fn send_sticker_in_reply(&self, sticker: Sticker) -> SendSticker<'_> { ... } fn send_venue(
        location: (f64, f64),
        title: impl Into<String>,
        address: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SendVenue<'_> { ... } fn send_venue_in_reply(
        location: (f64, f64),
        title: impl Into<String>,
        address: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SendVenue<'_> { ... } fn send_video(&self, video: Video) -> SendVideo<'_> { ... } fn send_video_in_reply(&self, video: Video) -> SendVideo<'_> { ... } fn send_video_note(&self, video_note: VideoNote) -> SendVideoNote<'_> { ... } fn send_video_note_in_reply(
        video_note: VideoNote
    ) -> SendVideoNote<'_> { ... } fn send_voice(&self, voice: Voice) -> SendVoice<'_> { ... } fn send_voice_in_reply(&self, voice: Voice) -> SendVoice<'_> { ... } fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title(
        user_id: Id,
        custom_title: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle<'_> { ... } fn set_chat_description(
        description: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SetChatDescription<'_> { ... } fn set_chat_permissions(
        permissions: Permissions
    ) -> SetChatPermissions<'_> { ... } fn set_chat_photo(&self, photo: ChatPhoto) -> SetChatPhoto<'_> { ... } fn set_chat_sticker_set(
        sticker_set_name: impl Into<String>
    ) -> SetChatStickerSet<'_> { ... } fn set_chat_title(&self, title: impl Into<String>) -> SetChatTitle<'_> { ... } fn set_message_game_score(
        message_id: Id,
        user_id: Id,
        score: u32
    ) -> SetMessageGameScore<'_> { ... } fn unban_chat_member(&self, user_id: Id) -> UnbanChatMember<'_> { ... } fn unpin_all_chat_messages(&self) -> UnpinAllChatMessages<'_> { ... } fn unpin_chat_message(&self) -> UnpinChatMessage<'_> { ... }
Expand description

Provides methods appliable to all messages.

Provided Methods§

Copies a message to this chat.

Copies a message in reply to this message.

Creates a secondary invite link for this chat.

Deletes the photo of this chat.

Deletes the sticker set of this chat.

Deletes a message in this chat.

Deletes the incoming message.

Edits a secondary invite link for this chat.

Updates the caption of a message in this group.

Updates a live location in this group.

Updates the media of a message in this group.

Updates the reply markup of a message in this group.

Updates the text of a message in this group.

Exports the invite link of this chat.

Forwards a message to this chat.

Gets information about this chat.

Gets a list of admins of this chat.

Gets information about a member of this chat.

Gets the number of members in this chat.

Gets infomation about high scores in a game sent in this chat.

Bans a member of this chat.

Leaves this chat.

Pins a message in this chat.

Promotes a member of this chat.

Restricts a member of this chat.

Revokes an invite link for this chat.

Send an animation to this chat.

Sends an animation in reply to this message.

Sends an audio to this chat.

Sends an audio in reply to this message.

Sends an action to this group.

Sends a contact to this group.

Sends a contact in reply to this message.

Sends a game to this chat.

Sends a game in reply to this message.

Sends a dice to this chat.

Sends a dice in reply to this message.

Sends a document to this chat.

Sends a document in reply to this message.

Sends an invoice to this chat.

Sends an invoice in reply to this message.

Sends a location to this chat.

Sends a location in reply to this message.

Sends an album to this chat.

Sends an album in reply to this message.

Sends a message to this chat.

Sends a message in reply to this message.

Sends a photo to this chat.

Sends a photo in reply to this message.

Sends a poll to this chat.

Sends a poll in reply to this message.

Sends a sticker to this chat.

Sends a sticker in reply to this message.

Sends a venue to this chat.

Sends a venue in reply to this message.

Sends a video to this chat.

Sends a video in reply to this message.

Sends a video note to this chat.

Sends a video note in reply to this message.

Sends a voice to this chat.

Sends a voice in reply to this message.

Sets a custom title for an admin in this chat.

Sets a new description of this chat.

Sets new permissions of this chat.

Sets a new photo of this chat.

Sets a new sticker set of this chat.

Sets a new chat title of this chat.

Sets a new high score for a player who played a game in this chat.

Unbans a member of this chat.

Unpins all messages in this chat.

Unpins the pinned message in this chat.
